SSU-kongress, Fateh och Labour i Linköping, ECOSY Summer Camp och Kinabonus
Jag kommer nu vara borta en tid från Internet och därför vara förhindrad från att blogga. På söndag far jag till Portugal för att förbereda årets ECOSY Summer Camp som genomförs den kommande veckan och som då samlar cirka tusen unga socialdemokrater och socialister från hela Europa. Under veckan kommer det att diskuteras en massa politik och ideologi, dansas och spelas fotboll, och mycket mer. Som vice president med portföljen för EU:s Gemensamma Utrikes- och Säkerhetspolitik har jag ansvar för seminarietältet International Solidarity Tent. Där kommer allt från världshandeln och MERCOSUR till Mellanöstern och EU:s Kinapolitik att behandlas.
ECOSY är en relativt ung organisation, bildad i början av 90-talet, och har därför inte färdiga programförklaringar om allting. (Detta gör det särskilt spännande att jobba med ECOSY och europeisk socialdemokrati, eftersom det känns som att vi verkligen får vara med och skapa något. Vilket är en helt annan historia.) Nåväl, ECOSY har ännu ingen färdig ståndpunkt om Kina och det är en av frågorna som kommer att behandlas i tältet jag ansvarar för. Frågan har diskuterats i ECOSY:s byrå (där varje medlemsorganisation i ECOSY, drygt 30 stycken, finns representerade) samt i presidiet (som fungerar som ECOSY:s VU och innehåller åtta vice presidenter samt president och generalsekreterare). Utifrån dessa diskussioner har jag satt samman en text som ska fungera som diskussionsunderlag för de vidare debatterna kring den unga europeiska socialdemokratins syn på Kina. Det är således inte uttryck för alla mina egna synpunkter, men det kanske kan vara intresse för någon i alla fall, särskilt för er SSU:are som jag vet kanske läser detta. Ett ställningstagande i frågan av byrån (som är det högsta beslutande organet mellan kongresserna som är vartannat år) kommer förhoppningsvis under hösten/våren.
Efter ECOSY:s kongress far jag nästan direkt till SSU:s kongress till Linköping. Det blir ett viktigt vägskäl för organisationen och veckan kommer antagligen innehålla många värdefulla beslut och diskussioner. Kongressen kommer dessutom att gästas av knappt 40 internationella gäster, däriblandpalestinska Fateh Youths generalsekretarer Fahmi och israeliska Labour Youths internationella sekretarere Rani samt israeliska Yachad Youths förbundssekretarer Uri. Det känns bra att kunna samla dem tillsammans med många fler från bland annat Italien, Indien, Bhutan, Ukraina, Vitryssland, Västsahara, Tyskland, Frankrike med flera. Jag är säker på att kongressen kan bli ett positivt avstamp för SSU:s verksamhet och politik! En del kallas mig optimist, själv föredrar jag att se på det som att jag vet att saker är möjliga om man bara vill och vågar.
Nåväl, har jag möjlighet och tillgång till Internet ska jag försöka göra en blogg eller två. Mina veckokolumner kommer att fortsätta publiceras på fredagar i Östra Småland de kommande veckorna, och kan också dessa dagar läsas på tidningens hemsida genom att där klicka sig vidare till "ledare". Tills dess: Kolla gärna in följande länkar om EU:s Kinapolitik.
- The EU’s China Policy
- “A maturing partnership : shared interests and challenges in EU-China relations”
Samt denna om EU:s associationsavtal (med anledning av dagens kolumn i Östra Småland, också publicerad här nedan):
- EU Association Agreements (EU-Mediterranean Partnership)
Och du som funderar över hur mina växter ska överleva i min lilla lägenhet: Tack och lov har jag en vän som ska bo där :)
Hej då på en stund.
Background information
On the Bureau Meeting in Luxembourg in April did the bureau ask the presidium to work on a position for ECOSY on China. Responsible vice president Laila Naraghi drafted a proposal of resolution on China, taking into consideration the different views raised at the Bureau meeting as well as the experiences of IUSY in this matter.
The text below is to start a discussion and to elaborate the China issue in ECOSY. It shall not be seen as anything that has been agreed upon in the presidium. The presidium wants to present this text to ECOSY members in order to better understand the opinions on China in ECOSY. The discussion coming out of the China seminar at the Summer Camp will enable the presidium to present a proposal of resolution on the Bureau meeting in London this autumn.
China’s area is approximately as big as Europe and it’s 1,3 billion inhabitants constitutes the biggest population of one single country in the world. The regime of the country has since 1949 built up a remarkable power base; China posses nuclear weapons, holds a veto in the United Nation Security Council, is one of the strongest global economical actors and is since recently also a member of the WTO.
The size of the country and its population makes it natural for China to hold a lot of power, regionally and globally. The way China uses its power must, however, be questioned.
ECOSY has followed the development of China and the relations between the country and the European Union. The following matters are of great concern of ECOSY.
Reports from many international organisations say that human rights are violated on a daily basis in China. The country still uses capital punishment and the personal rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, freedom of organising, freedom of the press and freedom of religion, are still to a large extent restricted.
Although has a positive development been taking place during the last years, for example has the situation for the press gone towards more pluralism and not less. The revolution of new technologies has been an important part of this. The legal system has also improved compared to the days of the Culture Revolution but China is still far from being a country with legal security. China’s economical system has developed from being a very strict planned economy to become what is called a "socialist market economy". This has opened the Chinese society to some extent and enabled more people to benefit from the advantages of economical progress. This opening is welcomed but not at all satisfactory. The economical development must be further deployed in order to utilise it in favour of democratic progress as well as it must be better shared among all Chinese citizens. Additionally must the large scale corruption existing in Chinese society be fought in order to achieve a true democratic system and a well functioning economic system.
All human beings must have the same rights and possibilities and the European Union must always protect the basic human rights, all around the globe. Nevertheless can democracy in one country only be created by the inhabitants of the country. Neighbouring countries and partners can only support this job, not do it by themselves. The European Union must therefore develop its China policy in the direction to support Chinese democracy. EU has a long and relatively good history of contacts with China. On the 6:th of May this year was the 30:th anniversary of the diplomatic relation between EU and the country. This relation must be carefully developed and embraced. The Round Table talks on Human Rights, between EU and China, must also be further developed, and enhanced.
ECOSY calls upon the EU to use all its relations with China to make the country take further steps towards democracy and a full respect of human rights. This must be done not only through the ordinary channels of the commission, the council and the parliament but also bilaterally through all contacts that the member countries of EU have with China. The EU must also raise the question, whenever it’s possible, in the UN and the WTO. As long as the Chinese government abuses human rights as today must EU also keep the embargo on weapons towards China.
The civil society is a crucial part of a vivid democracy and is therefore an important part of democracy development, also in China. European and national NGO:s should be encouraged to seek co-operation with Chinese NGO:s to establish contacts and networks. ECOSY calls upon the EU to support this kind of co-operation within its international aid policies. The diplomatic relations between China and EU must also be used in order to achieve this, especially in order to simplify exchanges between youth NGO:s in China and EU.
EU must also use it’s contacts with China to question the Chinese policies against Tibet. ECOSY calls upon the EU to use all its peaceful means to make China respect human rights in Tibet and also stop the occupation of the country.
China’s attitude towards Burma is important for the possibilities to reach a peaceful and democratic solution in Burma. The EU should use its relations with China in order to ask them not to protect the current regime in Burma.
China is an enormous global player whose positions can change large parts of the world politics and economics. The EU should therefore seek partnership with the country in the areas where this can be fruitful. The Communist Party of China has before shown interest in developing the UN in making it more authoritative and to have a stronger development focus. The CPC has also shown interest in enabling the UN to play a greater role in the wealth distribution. ECOSY means that the EU should co-operate with Chine in this areas.
ECOSY calls upon the EU to become a real global actor working for a better world for everyone. Therefore ECOSY calls upon the EU to develop its China policies to enable Chinese democracy and close co-operation with China.