
Oh Laura!

I have got some requests to also, at least once in a while, write some in English. So...

As a typical Swede I begin with reporting on the weather... the sun is shining in Stockholm, and yesterday in Kalmar county it was a great summer feeling. My nose even got a little bit red...

And the government is destroying our welfare and democracy. They deliver hit after hit towards our democracy through weakening the welfare and the equality. They are destroying the common social insurance system, they are selling out our common stateowned companies, they are doing crazy things in the schools (they want to have grades on the pupils' behaviours), they are deleting imporant taxes decreasing the money the state can spend on welfare. And so on. Et cetera. Mama Mia. But each time I get angry with the government I also get a little bit angry with our own labour movement - since we didn't manage to gain the citizens trust in the elections last year... We didn't listen to Spiderman when he says: With great powers come great responsibilities.

I wish our Spanish comrades better luck in the elections in Spain in the end of May, I'm closely following the election in Asturias :) and I keep my finger crossed. This song is for one of my dearest friends, you Laurita. Besos. Thanks Makan for the link.


Blogger Laura Robles Castro said...

Oh!! thanks dear!
Dont get angry, get motivated! I am sure that you, and your generation are the answer, both to Sweden and to you labour movement...
I really hope we will meet soon!

5/02/2007 11:44 fm  

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